Manual Documents
These documents are in PDF format and can be saved directly by right clicking on the link and selecting 'Save target as'. A copy is then transferred to your desired folder and will be opened in its own PDF reader rather that a webpage (Win8).
Introduction to AxciScape
A brief overview of the programs layout and windows.
Unlocking AxciScape
The Map Display
An introduction to the map display.
Map Drawing Functions Part 1 - Circle, Donut and Text.
Map Drawing Functions Part 2 - Poly circle, Radial Line, Segment, Tree shadow, Multiple XY line, Merge Circles and tree canopy.
Map Drawing Functions Part 3 - 3D Trees
Map Drawing Functions - Outline
Map Drawing Functions - Merge Canopy
Map Drawing Functions - Merge MXY
Map Drawing Functions - Using Rules
Installing an optional Custom AutoCAD Toolbar
This document explains how to make a simple AutoCAD Macro to enable 1 click script loading and processing. This is not essential as scripts can be run in AutoCAD by just typing SCRIPT and selecting the file from the file list.
Importing Text Data
This document explains how to use the Import Text function with an example showing how to import a simple tree survey from Excel into the BS5837 template. It also covers a few special functions to remove errors.
Exporting Text Data
This document explains how to use the Export Text function for transferring database data to Excel, Word etc.
Exporting CAD To AutoCAD as a Script
Exporting as a DXF CAD File
Using GPS with AxciScape